Welcome to my Executive Coaching Page!

I'm Dr Pete Stebbins, PhD - workplace psychologist and executive coach. Originally I trained as a clinical psychologist before shifting my focus to organisational psychology, high performance teams and executive coaching. A lot of my current work is with leaders induction, health and the corporate sector. My quick take on leadership and coaching is:
1) Leadership is the art of ‘Keeping all the plates spinning’. But for many leaders there are just too many plates spinning to be able to keep track of everything resulting in strategy failures, interpersonal conflicts and burnout.

2) The good news for leaders engaged in executive coaching is the realisation that amongst all of these ‘spinning plates’ there are only three plates that really matter.
3) These three plates form what we refer to as the ‘Three Circles of Leadership’ the interconnected domains of strategic, supportive and self leadership.

4) Having clarity on the main priority for each of these three areas at any given moment in time becomes a ‘super power’– as it sets in motion the immediate behaviours you need in order to enable longer-term success.
5) Executive coaching gives you the strategies and tools you need to develop (and continuously refine) your leadership ‘super powers’ – so you can adapt to the day-to-day challenges whilst progressing toward your bigger goals and objectives.

Ready To get Started? Send me a message via the ‘Contact’ form!